Gpay app
Gpay app

gpay app

Payment machines will remain in place at council barrier car parks (The Lanes, Regency Square, Trafalgar Street, London Road and Chapel Street) but Pay and Display machines will be removed from Norton Road, King Alfred, Black Rock, Rottingdean West and Rottingdean Marine car parks. Residents and visitors will now be required to pay for paid parking via the Pay by Phone app, by calling the Pay by Phone telephone number 01273 458 458 to pay by credit or debit card or by purchasing parking at one of the city’s PayPoint vendors. Enfield and Harrow Council have already begun the process of removing theirs. Westminster City Council removed its machines in 2019. The change mirrors other local authorities. These savings come from not having to maintain, repair and replace machines, collect cash payments or go ahead with a planned upgrade to 4G technology. The decision to remove the machines was made at Budget Council on 23 February and represents a significant financial saving of £220,000 in 2023/24 as well as ongoing yearly savings. Work has begun to decommission and remove Pay & Display machines used for parking payment and all machines will be out of use by 31 May. We’re asking people who wish to park around Brighton & Hove including some city parks to download the Pay by Phone app.

Gpay app